Kate Belew Kate Belew
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The Clair Senses are common ways to describe and categorize how our intuition shares messages. Just like the five senses, these different abilities allow intuition to be translated differently to be interpreted and understood. Think of the “Clairs” as your radio antennae through which you transmit messages. Through these intuitive impulses, you can more deeply connect with the intuitive hits you receive, sharpen your intuition, and connect more fully with your guides. 

The Intuitive Sense of Clairaudience 

This sense is also known as clear hearing or listening. You might be Clairaudient if you connect to your intuition audibly, or through sounds and music, words or voices. This may be your leading sense if your creative impulses or career are expressed as a musician, singer, poet, writer, orator, or speaker. You can sharpen this sense through different listening exercises, and working with your musical ability as a form of channeling or divination. 

The Intuitive Sense of Clairvoyance 

This sense is also known as clear seeing. You might be Clairvoyant if you experience your intuition through visions, much like images flickering across your brain as if on a screen. This may be your leading sense if you are highly visual or spatially talented and if you are an artist, photographer, builder, craftsperson, designer, or painter. You can sharpen this sense through different artistic exercises and working with these visions as a form of channeling. 

The Intuitive Sense of Clairsentient

This sense is also known as clear feeling. You might be Clairsentient if you experience your intuition through feeling. You might interpret this as chills, the feeling at the back of your neck, a gut feeling, or as deep empathy for another’s experience. This may be your leading sense if you work in caregiving or hospice as a nurse, doctor, teacher, counselor, social worker, or therapist. You can sharpen this sense by honoring the bodily senses you feel as your intuition shares messages with you. 

The Intuitive Sense of Claircognizance 

This sense is also known as clear knowing. You might be Claircognizant if you experience your intuition through deep knowing. While it may seem that this knowingness appears from “nowhere,” it is your intuition and your senses sharing the information with you. This may be your leading sense if you work in spiritual sectors, as a professor or philosopher, or as a thought leader or business executive.  You can hone your skills of Claircognizance by paying attention to premonitions. Through trusting these knowings, more appear. 

A Ritual to Discover Which “Clair” Is Your Leading Sense

For this ritual, you’ll need a piece of paper and a writing utensil. Sit somewhere and remove as many distractions as possible. Take three deep cleansing breaths. Write a letter to your intuition. In this letter, state your intention and your openness to receiving messages and developing your senses. 

As you establish this relationship with your intuition, see how it unfolds and grows. Place this letter to your intuition on your altar for the next moon phase (28 days from new to full or full to new) and see what messages you receive. As you receive messages, take special note to describe how you’re experiencing these transmissions. Consider keeping a journal during this time to hone in on your “Clair” senses. 

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