Tamed Wild Tamed Wild
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An Egyptian Goddess of justice and truth, Maat was the divine order brought to chaos.

She was the force of justice inside every betrayal.
The light of truth inside the shadow of lies.
The harmonic grace inside frenzy and mess.

As the daughter of the sun God Ra, and wife to the moon God Thoth, Maat was an important guide and figure in Egyptian mythology.

They say that it is her feather that’s weighed against the hearts inside the ceremony of the Judgement of the Dead. This ceremony would be conducted right after a person has passed—placing the deceased’s heart on a scale and weighing it against the feather of Maat. If the heart was as light as the feather, this meant that the soul was pure and unburdened by sin—granting the person passage into the afterlife. But, if the heart weighed heavier than the feather, then the deceased would be consumed by Ammit—the crocodile Goddess and devourer of the dead.

Inside this ceremony, we can clearly see the ultimate truth of Maat’s purity and desire for justice—with her deeply moral values being the centerpoint of her rulership.

Maat was revered as the ultimate symbol for morality—held as the “due north” that all should point towards. She was the force that constantly worked against the energies of chaos and injustice—bringing law to the lawless, and harmony to places of disorder.

As a singular deity, not much is known about Maat. In Egyptian mythology, many see her as more of a grouping of energies rather than one particular personality.

So, although we may not know much about Maat as a singular identity, we have come to know her as the grand moral guidepost, the swift movement of justice, and the ordering principle among chaos.

What does Maat rule?

Ruler of: truth, justice, balance, law, morality, divine order

Associated with: ostrich feathers

Why would one call upon Maat?

  • To help you receive justice for any slights or wrongdoings made against you
  • To reveal the truth inside a situation
  • To help you stay true to your own values and morals (even during turbulent times)
  • To help you tap into the energy of harmony during chaotic times

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