Shelby Bundy Shelby Bundy
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The full moon in Capricorn arrives the day after Litha and the Summer Solstice this year, happening on June 21st. This moon offers a unique blend of grounding and ambitious energies, making it an ideal time for reflection, goal-setting, and practical magic. Capricorn, ruled by the determined and disciplined Saturn (Kronos in mythology), brings a serious, no-nonsense approach to the usually emotional and intuitive full moon.

Capricorn is an earth sign, symbolizing structure, discipline, and practicality. The full moon in Capricorn illuminates these qualities within us, urging us to take stock of our long-term goals and the steps needed to achieve them. This moon phase highlights our ambitions, responsibilities, and the structures we've built in our lives. It's a time to evaluate our progress, make necessary adjustments, and set realistic plans for the future.

Here are a few ways to combine the energies of the god of time and boundaries and our Lady Luna and work with this full moon.

Ambition and Career Goals: Capricorn is synonymous with ambition and hard work. Use this time to reflect on your career path, set new professional goals, or re-evaluate existing ones. Consider the steps you need to take to reach your aspirations and create a detailed plan of action.

Structure and Discipline: This full moon encourages you to bring more structure and discipline into your life. Assess areas where you may need more consistency and develop routines that support your long-term objectives.

Responsibility and Accountability: Capricorn's influence emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for your actions and being accountable for your progress. Reflect on your commitments and ensure you're honoring them with integrity and dedication.

Practical Magic: With the grounded energy of Capricorn, this is an ideal time for practical magic aimed at manifesting tangible results. Focus on spells or rituals that involve financial stability, career advancement, and material success.

The full moon in Capricorn reminds us that success requires hard work, dedication, and a solid plan. Here are a few rituals and practices to help you work with Capricorn Energy:

Goal-Setting Ceremony:

  1. Create a sacred space where you can sit in reflection.

  2. Write down your long-term goals and the steps required to achieve them.

  3. Light a green or brown candle, symbolizing growth and stability, and meditate on the steps you need to take.

  4. Visualize yourself successfully reaching your goals.

  5. Get Grounded: Connect with the earth element by spending time in nature. Sit or lie on the ground, close your eyes, and feel the stability and support of the earth beneath you.

Financial Abundance Spell:

  1. Gather a green candle, a piece of citrine, and some basil leaves.

  2. Light the candle and hold the citrine in your hand, focusing on your financial goals.

  3. Sprinkle the basil leaves around the candle while whispering your intentions.

  4. Blow out the candle with a breath of intention when you are finished.

Discipline and Structure Ritual:

  1. Write down areas of your life where you need more discipline.

  2. Create a detailed plan of action for each area, including daily or weekly tasks.

  3. As you write, visualize yourself successfully implementing these structures.

  4. Place the list under a heavy object, symbolizing the weight and importance of these commitments.

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If you're anything like the witches over here at Tamed Wild, then you are obsessed with candles and are constantly on the lookout for unique designs, beautiful scents, and seasonal devotions to add to your altar. It is with this… read more

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