Spring Equinox Horoscopes

Spring Equinox Horoscopes

Kate Belew Kate Belew
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Your horoscopes for the Spring Equinox of 2025 are here! 

The Spring Equinox is a moment of beginning. The astrological new year, Ostara, and spring are a seasonal celebration of rebirth and cycles. These horoscopes are intended for your rising sign, but read them through your sun or moon sign for additional wisdom. Click here to receive monthly horoscopes from author and Witch Kate Belew. 

Aries & Aries Rising: Aries, the equinox begins your season. This season for you is a new beginning. It’s a chance to harness the magic of possibility, and so much is possible. Is there an aspect of your life you want to show up for in a new way? Is there an old identity you’re ready to part with, or an old story? Consider what it means to begin, like the fool archetype in the tarot, and take that first step, knowing the path will appear under your feet.  

Taurus & Taurus Rising: Taurus, much is happening in your dream world. This season, consider what’s being illuminated for you there. Is there something that you’re just now recognizing in your subconscious? This could be a potent place to explore. Spend some time in the metaphorical dark. Listen for the sound of a struck match, or make a bonfire to gaze into; the shadowy parts of ourselves are potent aspects of our identity, and they can teach us so much when we listen. 

Gemini & Gemini Rising: Gemini, this season is bringing you a great gift. Because of the work you’ve put in, how you’ve shown up, and how you interact with those in your community, you have the potential to be recognized and celebrated for who you are. Step into this spotlight, knowing that your hard work is paying off. Revel in this beautiful community you’ve built. 

Cancer & Cancer Rising: Cancer, this season is asking you important questions. What is your relationship to your higher calling and purpose? Do you feel aligned in your everyday life with that calling? Spend time journaling about your hopes and dreams this spring, considering where you’d like to go in the year ahead. If anything has been holding you back from this calling, ask the swift spirit of this season to carry it away from you and move forward freely. 

Leo & Leo Rising: Leo, maybe you’ve been hitting the books lately, and it’s starting to pay off. Reading, writing, and learning about the world can expand your horizons. Maybe you’ve been longing to dive more deeply into something you've been thinking about, or maybe there’s a dream of travel. Now is a great time to consider those plans for the season ahead; there is so much to learn. 

Virgo & Virgo Rising: Virgo, this season is a potent one for you. There’s an initiation of self happening. You’re changing, evolving, and transforming. Sometimes, when a snake sheds its skin, it loses sight just before the transformation is complete and the new skin is fully embodied. Learn from the serpent in all its wisdom. If you don’t know exactly where you’re going right now, that’s okay. Trust that magic will be made by allowing the process of change to happen. 

Libra & Libra Rising: Libra, your pursuit of balance is something to be admired astrologically speaking. This season asks you to call upon your harmonious talents in your relationships with others. In what way can you revamp or reconsider your partnerships? New possibilities will unfurl by bringing your magic, light, and perspective to these conversations and collaborations. 

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising:  Scorpio this season asks you to focus on your rituals and daily life. What could be tended to in your health, body, and home? Think of this time as spring cleaning, but also for your inner landscape. Listen to your intuition. You’re deeply connected to your inner cycles; follow your cyclical nature, and you’ll know what to do. 

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius, this season is about creation for you. What are you making? How do you feel about your creativity right now? Spring is a time of fertility, the seeds are taking root. Consider the metaphor of the seed in your creative practice. What might you plant and tend to over this year? What idea is ready to blossom in your imagination?

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising: Capricorn, this season is asking you to tend to the roots. Clearing away the debris and decay of winter, honoring that grief, and looking to the year ahead might be supportive to you right now. What from your past might resurface, like the soil after the snow melts? Pay special attention to old stories or memories that return to you. They have lessons they’d like to share. 

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising: Aquarius, this season, something is changing in your communication skills. Whether you’re writing or speaking, consider the power of your words. There’s a reason that spell and spelling are related: language casts magic. Speak assured that as the sign of the rebel and the innovator, you are seeing something differently than someone else and this can be a powerful thing. Listen to the perspectives of others, and see how we can all make a better world together. 

Pisces & Pisces Rising: Pisces, this season is an invitation to consider how you’re being supported. Whether financially, in your work, or emotionally, fill your cup. When do you feel most aligned as you embark on your day-to-day? Clear way for the path ahead, know that when you’re honest with yourself and your needs, magic is made possible. 

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