Shelby Marie Shelby Marie
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Card nine in the Major Arcana is The Hermit card. We encounter our Hermit on the Fool's Journey of the tarot right after we meet Strength.

In Strength, we were reminded of our inner, innate power and magick, and now we are asked to dig a bit deeper with the Hermit. This archetype embodies the dead of winter, introverting, shutters closed, introspective energy.

It represents a time when we are best served by disconnecting from the outside world and buzzing energies that encompass it and look inward. In traditional art, we see a cloaked figure walking in the dark, holding a lantern in front of him, his only light. This imagery is symbolic of you being your own light and your own guide. When the Hermit appears on your table, the universe is telling you that you have the answers, and it may be time to recluse a bit to find them.

Sit in the quiet with yourself, reflect, and listen carefully to your inner voice. You have the answers you need; you just need to listen to your inner guide.

Reversed, this card can speak to a time when you have been a recluse for too much or for too long. Maybe you took that disconnecting from society part of a bit too seriously and it's time to open those shutters and let the world back in.

If this card is reversed in your spread, take stock of your routine and see if you have isolated yourself in any areas. Are you balanced and participating in life, or are you withering away in your pajamas, turning down all invitations to go out with friends? Balance is the key, and the Hermit reversed is here to give you the nudge you need to get back out into the world and let the light in.

Small Spells Deck by Tamed Wild

Small Spells Deck by Tamed Wild

$ 26.00

There are spells everywhere you look. Behind even the most small or simple spells, there is a mighty will, a deep belief in possibility, and an understanding that whatever the intention is, it has in ways, already come to pass.This… read more

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