Kate Belew Kate Belew
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If you open a book of Greek mythology and scan its pages, on a distant shore you may discover The Grey Sisters. They are also known by the names the Grey Ones, the Grey Witches, Graiai, Gaiae, and the Phorcides.

The Grey Sisters are named, Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredo.

Deino translates to dread, Enyo means horror, and Pemphredo means alarm, although some sources point to different yet also frightening names.

These Grey Sisters come from a version of old Greek meaning Old Woman, or to grow old.

The sisters are also sisters to The Gorgons and were the daughters of the sea gods, Phorcys and Ceto.

They came out of the womb as old women, grey at birth and grey ever since.

These crones share both an eye and a tooth. In some tales, they have the heads of women and the body of swans.

The Grey Sisters are known as sea hags who are personified as the white foam of the waves.

The most famous tale about The Grey Sisters may be their encounter with Perseus before he kills their sister Medusa.

The Grey Sisters were the guardians of the Gorgons, the three winged, snake-haired women who were able to turn men to stone with just a glance, the most famous being Medusa.

When Perseus came to slay Medusa, it is said that he stole the eye and the tooth from the sisters in order to threaten them into telling him where their sister was.

Legend has it, The Grey Sisters live close to the Underworld, in a liminal space close to Hades.

How to Work With the Energy of The Grey Sisters:

Share Your Vision

The Grey Sisters share an eye that they pass back and forth. What can this teach us symbolically? They are able to act together with one vision. How can we share our vision with those we are close to in order to make magic or connect in with our own magic? What does unity and togetherness have to offer us? When you work with the symbol of the eye, what does it reveal in your work? What does it mean to be all seeing

Work With the Numerology of Three

In numerology, the number three is incredibly magical and powerful. It is said to be the number of the divine. The number three acknowledges past, present, and future. It has been revered in science, religion, ritual, and myth for centuries. The trinity, the triple goddess, and the rule of three, are just a few examples. How do you connect with three in your own practice? Start to take notice when three comes up for you.

Explore the Archetype of the Crone

The Crone archetype is one part of the triple goddess. The Crone symbolizes wisdom, holiness, aging, turning silver-haired, and all-knowing. The Crone has been demonized across popular culture; however, the Crone possesses a knowledge that is sacred. How do you work with the Crone archetype in your life? Have you met your inner wise woman?  

Triple Moon & Pentacle Carved Wooden Box

Triple Moon & Pentacle Carved Wooden Box

$ 18.50

Collect and store crystals, herbs, ritual tools, and jewelry in these beautifully carved wooden boxes.     Measures 4 x 6 inches… read more

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