Tamed Wild Tamed Wild
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Ah, the wolf…

The fierce and fanged apex predator of the night.

A howling reminder of what lurks inside the dark.

The pathfinder, the wayshower, the leader of the pack.

A protector beneath the full moon light.

When wolf symbology appears in your life, its presence can communicate many things, but it’s primarily known to be a call for you to step back into your deepest core truth.

What have you been ignoring or avoiding?
What are you not seeing?

Where have you not been living your honorable truth?
Have you been hiding from your destiny behind the trickery of fear?

There’s something that’s calling you to pull away the veil and look.

Wolves are a symbol for strength and leadership, but so too are they a symbol for deception and lies.

Ever heard the saying, “a wolf in sheep’s clothes”?

The wolf can appear as one of your greatest teachers for honing your instinctual and intuitive knowings—helping you sharpen your discernment between what is real and what is not.

This wild creature is an omen that calls you back home to your deepest truth.

As both the independent leader and part of the pack, wolf can also be our reminder to balance our place in the community with our innately wild spirit.

There’s an independence and identity to you that cannot be sacrificed.

And the wolf may just be your sign to find your own balance between the individual and the whole.

It may be time to really sit and look at if you’re being called to stop playing “lone wolf” and rejoin the pack?
Or perhaps you’ve become enmeshed in the pack and your lone wolf time is calling?

At its core, the wolf is a creature of instinct.

Instinct, in our case, also being our truest nature and impulses.

When we have been denying that wild truth inside us for too long, wolf can appear as a sign that it’s time to step away from the cultural “truths” of these times and back into the unshakable truths inside your core.

For it is here where your strongest instincts lie.
It is here where the answers live.

Wolf is the line howl beneath the full moon that’s asking us, challenging us, to follow the path our truth demands.

You have more strength and wisdom than you know, my love.
And it’s time you let it free.

Messages of the Wolf:

  • Sharpen your instincts—they will never betray you. Allow yourself to trust them, even if their answers take you deep into the unknown.
  • Let the full height of your intuition unfold.
  • Follow your appetite for freedom.
  • Allow yourself to place your trust into your community once more (working as a pack).
  • Step into the leadership role that’s calling to you. Trust that as long as you stay true to that inner guiding force, you will not abuse this power.
  • Tap into your great unending wells of strength and courage.
  • This time is a journey taking you deeper into self-discovery—allow your instincts to guide you now.
  • Be unafraid to stand in your greatest power.
  • Take time to discern deception from truth—all may not be as it seems, but trust that there is a part of you that can always sense what’s true.
  • Deepen your connection to that wild spirit that lives inside you.
  • Take some well-needed time alone to review and reassess.

Wolf and Raven Candle

Wolf and Raven Candle

$ 8.00

Both the wolf and raven are regarded as creatures of omens (good and bad), prophesy, magic, healing, and transformations. Their myth and lore travel deep into a variety of cultures.  Native American tribes believed in the Athabascan Myth, for example, that the… read more

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