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A Roman Goddess of the hunt and the moon, Diana was a fierce patroness to women and wild creatures everywhere.

As the Roman counterpart to the Greek Goddess Artemis, Diana shared many of the same qualities as the famous virgin Goddess. They were both a twin—born to the God of thunder, and made to be just as fierce. Both ruled over the wild lands—the beautiful huntress with steady arm and focused shot. And both held their chastity as a vital part of their mission—although some myths do say that Diana eventually took up a consort and bore children.

Diana was also considered to be an aspect of the Roman Triple Goddess—a representation of the three main aspects of the feminine. The Triple Goddess was said to be comprised of Diana, the Goddess of the hunt, Luna, the primary lunar Goddess, and Hecate, the Goddess of the Underworld. Together they formed a powerful feminine influence that was as light as it was dark—as pure as it was wild. All feminine, all women, all divine.

Now, Diana was said to play quite a diverse role in her rulership and domains. It is said that she helped ferry souls into the Underworld—acting as a psychopomp of sorts, much like her fellow Triple Goddess, Hecate.

They say she was also the primary protectress of women in labor—being a Goddess of childbirth, fertility, and children. Her connection to the moon also links her deeply to both the moon and the menstrual cycles—waxing and waning alongside her fellow feminine creatures, flowing with the rhythms of nature itself.

What does Diana rule?

Ruler of: the moon, hunting, childbirth, wild animals, fertility, the woods, virginity

Associated with: cypress trees, oak groves, deer, dogs, archery

Why would one call upon Diana?

  • To help you stay focused on your path—eliminating distractions and obstacles
  • To help you deeply connect to your own cycles and rhythms
  • To bless you with a successful hunt or journey towards a goal
  • To help you tap into and connect with your fierce feminine energy

Charms- TW Box Amulet Series

Charms- TW Box Amulet Series

$ 9.75

Featured in our Tamed Wild Boxes, these charms are included in 6 monthly deliveries, to be used in an end of the year intention setting ritual. Purchase the charm separately to add to your own bracelet or chain, or purchase… read more

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