Your horoscopes for the Summer Solstice of 2024 are here!
The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, is a moment of culmination and celebration. This moment in the northern hemisphere on the Wheel of the Year honors the sun, the beginning of Cancer season, and the peak of summer.
These horoscopes are intended for your rising sign, but read them through your sun or moon sign for additional wisdom. Click here to read your June Creativescopes by Kate Belew and sign up for her free weekly newsletter here.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
The summer solstice marks the beginning of your season. In the northern hemisphere, the sun is at its peak (this energy and glow extends to you!). The days are long, and the nights are infused with summer sparkle. Revel in this sunshine, Cancer. This is your time to seek (and also speak) sweetness and express your authenticity. Who you are is a spell. So mote it be.
Leo & Leo Rising
Leo, the sacred flame inside of you is illuminating a new dream. Pay close attention to the feelings you hold in your heart. They’re trying to tell you something. Lean on your magical collaborations and networks to support you through this transit. There’s power in connecting to your lion’s pride (and also your pride).
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Virgo, listening and connecting to the messages from your soul is a lifelong process. This month, the messages are coming in strong. Ask yourself what you long to create and cultivate during this lifetime. Take steps, no matter how small, toward this actualization this month. Do in your life what makes your heart sing.
Libra & Libra Rising
Libra, your horizons are expanding. There is a deep well you feel called to explore, an area of study, a philosophy, or a new perspective beckoning for you to lean in. Spend some time this month with that topic, take a class, journal, watch a show, or listen to a podcast. This exploration could be a great inspiration for you.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Scorpio, this is a time of renewal, expansion, and spiritual development. Whether it’s in the realm of your finances, sexuality, psychology, or your relationship to the divine, the possibility and potential are there, a rich soil for new seeds to take hold. Transformation is possible this month; surrender to the process.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Sagittarius, when you partner with aligned people, magic can happen. Collaboration is a spell. Combining energy or mutual support can lead to expansion. Ritualize these moments of co-creation this month and see what is possible. Step across the portal and threshold and revel in making with others.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Capricorn, this month, you are asked to consider your daily rituals. Whether you’re on a journey of health, aligning yourself more deeply with the seasons and cycles of our planet, or committing yourself to a new project, the stars are supporting you. Determine the results you’re most interested in, meaning how you would want to feel in your life. Then, make a plan to cultivate this feeling in your daily life. One step at a time.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Aquarius, this month asks you to cultivate romance in your everyday life and to ritualize these small acts of love in relationships with others and yourself. Write notes to yourself and in your journal about your hopes and dreams, send sweet messages to those in your community, and feel supported by your words and connected to those around you. Your words are a spell.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Pisces, this month, your foundation is more important than ever. How you feel into your roots, how you center, and your definition of home is constantly expanding and changing. Spend time with your back against a tree, your feet on the ground, or lying down on the earth. Consider when and how you feel the most supported, and then work to fortify and support your foundation from there.
Aries & Aries Rising
Aries, you have the magic in your words this month. Speak your truth, craft a poem, write your story, and honor how you communicate with others. If there is a conversation you’ve been longing to have, now is a wonderful and potent time. If there is a tale you’ve been longing to tell, it’s time to visit the page.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Taurus, the way you build spaciousness in your life, is a superpower. This month, I want to invite you to slow down and spend time reveling in summer. Feel supported, resourced, and nourished by this slowness. The sun is an ally and a guide, showing us how to shine and connect with the cycles that are always at work in our world. Here’s to your own rays of sunshine this month and always.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Gemini, your sense of self is burgeoning, blossoming, changing. No stranger to change, you are hopefully celebrating this transformation and embracing this threshold moment. Now is a potent time to step into the spotlight and honor all that you are, and all you yearn to be. Take a lesson from our friend the caterpillar, who later becomes the butterfly, and prepare yourself to spread your wings.
To your stars and horoscopes this spring! Summer Solstice blessings, magickal ones!
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