Lammas brings a full moon in Aquarius on August 1st. This pagan sabbat marks the first harvest and symbolizes abundance. It’s an opportunity to pause and celebrate a bountiful life, giving thanks for our wealth in its many forms. However, the full moon forms a square to Jupiter, planet of abundance, inviting us to face our blockages around recognizing what we already have and manifesting more. Venus retrograde asks us to distinguish between what we authentically desire, versus what we think we should want. The Aquarian archetype provides us with deeper insight into this, differentiating between belonging and fitting in.
The Aquarius full moon will highlight themes such as freedom, innovation, socializing, authenticity, eccentricity, progression, change, rebellion, intellect, future visioning and the collective. Jupiter’s square to the moon reveals where we struggle to embrace the spiritual lessons that these areas have to offer, or allow them to expand our consciousness. Essentially, we’re being shown where we allow our emotions to get the best of us and block our blessings in an unconscious attempt to stay safe. If one deeply longs to find a like-minded community but is moving from a scarcity mentality, they may attract people who mirror their fear versus their vision. If one desires to experience freedom, their emotions may keep them imprisoned to their own conditioning. The sun moving through Leo can show us where we’re operating from ego, challenging us to step into higher expressions of courage and confidence. Breaking the mold and embracing change may require us to step out of our comfort zones. Jupiter in Taurus can also point to laziness or overfunctioning as blockages to receiving abundance.
With Saturn retrograde in Pisces, we’re invited to reflect on the inner work, discipline, and commitment needed to materialize our dreams. This sign reminds us that ‘doing the work’ doesn’t only mean that we take initiative to show up differently, but that we also make an effort to heal. Transcendence may require us to lean into forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance. Aquarius is all about the vision, and this full moon is an ideal time to release the past so it doesn’t impact our futures. The work can also mean that we make a commitment to acknowledge the blessings that we already have. It is easy for the mind to focus on what we don’t have, versus what we do. This can perpetuate fear and scarcity mentalities that block our ability to even see the abundance that is available right now.
Venus retrograde calls us into introspection. She is the planet of beauty, relationship, love, harmony, creativity, and desire. This is a great time to reflect upon what we desire and whether we truly feel worthy of it. With the Aquarian archetype at play, we’re invited to move from a space of authenticity. When we operate on autopilot, we’re more likely to find our desires aligning with societal, cultural, or familial pressures. However, Aquarius is about dancing to the beat of your own drum. It has a reputation for being quite eccentric, different, or quirky because it is the rebel of the zodiac. Its function is to break rules and challenge societal structures that are no longer working. It cannot do this if it follows the herd. Therefore, this is a call to listen to our own unique voices and manifest from this place. Aquarius teaches us that the difference between fitting in and belonging is that fitting in requires us to manipulate ourselves in order to align with external desires. True belonging means that we attune into our authentic wants and needs, and align with people who mirror these back to us.
Happy Aquarius Full Moon!
5 Ways to Honor this Full Moon:
Make a gratitude list: In honor of Lammas and Jupiter, make a gratitude list to help you recognize and appreciate what you have in your life right now. This is also a great time for a prosperity ritual.
Own your authentic desires: Aquarius is all about dancing to the beat of your own drum, even if it goes against the grain. Venus Rx invites us to get clear on what we truly desire, versus what we think we should want based on external pressures.
Create a vision board: Future visioning is Aquarius’s domain. Now is a great time to create a vision board to help you step into the abundance that you desire.
Release the past: Saturn Rx asks us to do the work to release the past so it doesn’t impact our futures. What karmic cycles are playing out right now that are blocking your blessings? Who and what do you need to forgive? What is needed to release?
Choose belonging over fitting in: The Aquarian archetype is connected to socializing and community. Instead of manipulating yourself to fit in, how can you honor your authentic self and surround yourself with people who celebrate you?
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