Riss Cottrill Riss Cottrill
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The Virgo full moon allows us to purify, cleanse, and clear before the arrival of Spring. The sun in Pisces encourages us to go within and meditate on murky waters in our lives. We’re bringing our awareness to whatever is cluttering our mental, physical, and spiritual spaces so we can assess our relationships with these things and let them go. Purifying the waters will allow us to see things more clearly, illuminating the path to creating something new with the Spring equinox.

The Full Moon in Virgo invited us to celebrate our paths while simultaneously releasing what isn't meant for us. Virgo is the archetype of the Harvest Goddess. This sign is about details, clarity, and order.

This is the medicine for this full moon - to see the larger systems in our lives and reflect on where there are break-downs. Virgo carefully analyzes and monitors what is most aligned, and teaches us that the devil is in the details. The small and practical things, like day-to-day habits and routines, do their part in creating a bigger picture. Our diet, exercise regimes, relationships, emotional well-being, mindsets, beliefs, and self-talk all contribute to our fulfillment and happiness. Now is the time to do a bit of Spring cleaning before the equinox and take inventory of what is or isn’t keeping our systems running optimally. 

The shadow side of Virgo can fall into criticism and perfectionism. In its attempt to control, it holds on to things that should be released and creates the mental/emotional clutter it spends so much time trying to avoid. It may seek organization and cleanliness outside of itself to pacify inner messiness. 

In Pisces season, Pisces asks us to transcend these parts of ourselves. It reminds us that purification is an internal job requiring vulnerability and emotional awareness. 

The wisdom of Pisces is all about surrender and letting go. This looks like being vulnerable enough to notice and own where we’re holding onto control by criticizing or expecting perfection. We cannot release if we aren’t vulnerable enough to admit that there’s something we need to let go of. Recognizing this opens the door for acceptance, compassion, trust, and unconditional love, which are forms of surrender. Pisces encourages us to use visualization, meditation, dream work, and spirit guides to do our healing work.  

Happy Virgo full moon!

Honoring this full moon may look like… 

  1. Purifying: Now is the time to purify mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. This can look like detoxing with herbs and foods or transcending mental clutter in meditation. Purification can come in many forms, so get curious about what this looks like. 

  2. Creating daily routines: So much change can happen when we shift our habits and routines. Create daily rituals that allow you to stay on top of inner and outer maintenance and set you up for success. Identify rituals or habits that don’t serve you and let them go. 

  3. Working with goddesses of purity: This is a great time to work with goddesses that symbolize purification, virginity, and cleanliness, such as Astraea. Call upon them to help you purify with the full moon.

  4. Spring Cleaning: You can do inner and outer spring cleaning. Go through your belongings and throw away what is no longer serving you. Create space for new things to come in with the arrival of Spring. 

  5. Organizing: This is a great time to get practical. Organize, make lists, and clean. You can incorporate this into setting intentions for letting go on the full moon or materializing your dreams. 

Wild Medicine Deck v2

Wild Medicine Deck v2

$ 31.00

It's here! Version 2 of The Wild Medicine Herbal Deck by Tamed Wild is finally here. As a companion to the original Wild Medicine Deck, this version contains 33 additional herbs and is printed in a larger size. (5.3 x… read more

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