Pisces New Moon


Shelby Bundy Shelby Bundy
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February 28th is the New Moon in Pisces, offering us an opportunity to lean into the mystical, spiritual and dreamy parts of ourselves. Ruled by both Jupiter (Zeus in myth) and Neptune (Poseidon), we are in the energetic presence of growth and expansion by way of the divine and the transcendent.

This new moon encourages us to go with the flow, trust the process and feel everything, Here is how this lunation affects you and your chart.

Read for your rising sign:

Aries Rising – This New Moon lands in your twelfth house of endings, dreams, and the subconscious. It’s a prime time for deep rest, inner work, and letting go of anything weighing on your spirit. Prioritize solitude and reflection.

Taurus Rising – In your eleventh house of community and dreams for the future, this New Moon invites you to reassess your long-term vision. Who are you surrounding yourself with? Align with those who inspire and uplift you.

Gemini Rising – Your tenth house of career and public image is activated. This is a great time to trust your instincts about the next step in your professional life. Release outdated ambitions and make space for something more aligned.

Cancer Rising – In your ninth house of expansion, learning, and belief systems, this New Moon calls for you to surrender rigid thinking and embrace a more fluid approach to growth. A great time for spiritual exploration or travel.

Leo Rising – This lunation touches your eighth house of transformation and shared resources. Let go of control and trust in life’s natural cycles. Shadow work, financial healing, or intimacy breakthroughs may be key themes.

Virgo Rising – Your seventh house of relationships is in focus. What patterns in partnerships need releasing? Whether romantic, platonic, or business-related, this is a time to trust your heart and let go of dynamics that no longer serve.

Libra Rising – In your sixth house of daily routines and wellness, this New Moon encourages letting go of unhealthy habits and stress. Listen to your body’s needs and prioritize kind self-care over structured discipline.

Scorpio Rising – This lunation lights up your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. It’s a beautiful time to reconnect with joy and playfulness. Let go of perfectionism and allow yourself to create freely.

Sagittarius Rising – With the New Moon in your fourth house of home and inner foundation, you’re being asked to reflect on emotional security. Is there something in your personal life that needs healing or release?

Capricorn Rising – Your third house of communication, learning, and perspective is illuminated. Are there conversations you’ve been avoiding? This is a great time for journaling, therapy, or simply listening to your own thoughts.

Aquarius Rising – In your second house of money, values, and self-worth, this lunation encourages financial intuition. Instead of chasing external validation, focus on aligning your material world with what truly matters to you.

Pisces Rising – This is your personal New Moon, bringing a major energetic reset. Reflect on your identity, your presence, and how you want to show up in the world. It’s time to shed old versions of yourself and trust in your evolution.

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Tamed Wild Seasonal Box

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The Tamed Wild Subscription Box is a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season or theme and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can… read more

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