Kate Belew Kate Belew
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From the depths and shadows of fairytales, plot and plan the Goblins. Goblins appear in folktales in many countries; the only consistent thing about these beings is their shapeshifting nature. From literal shapeshifting to trickster behavior, to downright malicious intent, Goblins are unpredictable creatures. And come in unpredictable shapes and sizes, often related to spirits, faeries, or demons. 

The origins of the word Goblin are as murky as the legends about them, but some believe that it is derived from the Greek kobalos meaning rogue.  They are small, fairy-like, and sometimes fearsome. And Goblins keep good company. Small-human-like creatures are not uncommon in tales. Similar creatures include duendes, brownies, dwarves, gnomes, imps, and faeries. 

One thing is sure about Goblins, you don’t want to be on their bad side, and you don’t want to meet them alone in the woods off the path. Goblin tales are often warnings. “Do not talk to strangers,” and “Do not befriend strange and handsome figures in the forest.” 

We must not look at goblin men,/We must not buy their fruits:/Who knows upon what soil they fed/Their hungry thirsty roots?” - Christina Rossetti, Goblin Market and Other Poems

Beyond travelers' weary accounts, Goblins are known for attaching themselves to a specific household. You’ll know if you’re sharing space with one of these beings for their clattering away on the pots and pans, disappearing objects, furniture moving unexpectedly, and knocking at doors and walls, beckoning from the other side. 

Because of their close relationship with house and home, they’re often considered a part of the family energetically. In folklore, they’re often known for helping parents discipline young children, either by gifting them presents or punishing them. And parents often use the Goblins as a threat to young children to “behave.” 

Goblins fill the bookshelves with misdeeds and trickery, looming in the trees or around a dark bend, but what can be learned from these beings? 

Messages from the Goblins…

Connect to your mischievous side. Goblins understand the importance of being a little mischievous. If you haven’t played, laughed, or connected to your inner trickster lately, now might be the time. Go rogue, delight in devilish humor, and wear a fun outfit. The opportunities are endless. 

Connect with trickster lore. The trickster is an archetype that appears in fairytales across the globe. When the Goblins appear, they might be asking you to dive into your studies and relationship with trickster figures. Who are the trickster characters from the land you live on? Who were the trickster characters of your ancestors? The library awaits! 

Expect the unexpected! Goblins are never quite who or what you would expect. And this is also the truth about life. Instead of allowing this to make you ungrounded, feel into the unexpected deliciousness of life. This may open you to further messages from mythic beasts and beings. And perhaps it will make life just a little more goblin-like, full of fairy magick and fun.

Celtic Myth & Magick // Edain McCoy

Celtic Myth & Magick // Edain McCoy

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Tap into the mythic power of the Celtic goddesses, gods, heroes, and heroines to aid your spiritual quests and magickal goals. Human and divine energies complement each other; when joined, they become a potent catalyst for true magick and change. Celtic… read more

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