Kristin Lisenby Kristin Lisenby
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Winter Solstice

On December 21st and 22nd, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere will celebrate the Winter Solstice. While typically assumed to be a one-night affair celebrating the longest night of the year, many Witches and Pagans will recognize this astrological event over a period of several days or weeks.

We will light candles, decorate our homes, host feasts, tell stories, eat too much, drink too much, laugh until our stomachs ache, and when the guests return home—savor the fleeting moments of solitude that Midwinter shares with us year after year.

The counterpoint to Midsummer, Midwinter is the peak of the dark half of the year. Although it won’t be noticeable at first, after the winter solstice, the sun will gradually regain its strength. The days will become longer, the nights shorter, and the plans we made during the dark months will be put into action.

But not yet.

Now is the time to dive deep into the goddess’s watery depths. We find our place alongside the Mother archetype, the moon, and the dark goddess within each and every one of us. We uncover our strengths through solitude and stillness, and use these quiet moments to reflect, to fine-tune our divinatory practices, to study, to rest, and to evaluate what’s worked for us in the past (and what hasn’t).

During Midwinter, we turn inward. Instead of relying on physical sight to guide us on our journey, we work on opening the Third Eye and setting the groundwork to transmute dreams into reality.

A Midwinter Ritual to Appease The Fates

In the days and weeks surrounding Midwinter, Mother Earth appears to be in a dream state.

Like the sun, time seems to stand still.

This makes sense when we consider that ‘solstice’ comes from the Latin words ‘sol’ (sun) and ‘sistere’ (to stand still). Trees, creatures, and the cosmos all appear to be sound asleep. Asleep they may be, but as Gloria Steinham says, ‘Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.”

If we know a thing or two about dreamland, we know that in this realm, anything is possible.

We’ve designed this Midwinter ritual to appease The Fates, more specifically, the middle sister, Decima (or Lachesis, if you prefer her Greek counterpart). Decima is responsible for weaving the details of our destiny. Although some people insist that The Fates decide our purpose on the day of our birth, like all deities, they take special note of those who speak to them, leave them offerings, and express gratitude for their efforts.

This ritual asks that we show Decima our greatest desires. It asks that we share the direction we’d like to take over the next 3-12 months and beyond. We suggest reading over the ritual a couple of times and sketching out the details on paper before you begin.

Tonight, we’ll be working with the pentagram. Find a piece of red, green, or metallic string to establish a 5-pointed star on the floor. In place of string, you can use stones, a trail of herbs, or something else that you have on hand. If your floor space is limited, utilize a bulletin board or a piece of fresh parchment for this ritual.

Place one unlit tea light at each of the pentagram’s points and one in the center. The point on the right side is reserved for the element of air. Next to the candle, include the tiger’s eye pendulum from August’s box, and anything that represents your dreams related to intellect and new beginnings. The opposite end of the pentagram, the left point, represents water. Add the moon amulet and elements that symbolize your intuitive and emotional desires. The bottom left point of the pentagram represents earth. Next to the candle, add the leaf amulet and items depicting material goals and growth. The bottom right point relates to fire. Add the sun amulet and relics that mimic your creative aspirations and greatest ambitions. The top point of the star represents Spirit. Next to the candle, add the Hermit tarot card amulet, and something that relates to your soul’s path and personal growth. In the center of the pentagram, place a photograph of yourself and the pentagram charm.

Write out a short poem or prayer to invoke Decima and each of the elements of the pentagram. Light the candles as you make your way around the star, finishing with the one in the center. Move your hands to the center of the pentagram, and rest one on each side of your photo. With your eyes closed, speak to Decima. Show her the life you envision for yourself and the good that you will bring into the world with her help. With the exception of physical sight (because you should be using inner sight for this part), tap into your sense of smell, sound, taste, and touch to embed this visualization into the fabric of reality. Continue visualizing until you begin to feel a tug or ache in your solar plexus. Hold onto this sensation for as long as you can, for this is what active manifestation feels like. Speak to Decima. Thank her for listening and for tirelessly weaving the fates of all creatures on this planet. When you’re ready to terminate communication, bid her farewell and blow out the candles.

Thank her for her time, and as a final offering, plant the forget-me-not seed pod in an indoor pot. If you live in a mild climate where you do not experience frost, you can also plant the forget-me-nots outdoors or in a greenhouse. If you would like to leave an additional offering for Decima, consider a handwritten letter, a cup of tea, or sweets left overnight on your altar.

Blessed Solstice!

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