Shelby Marie Shelby Marie
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Gather round for a story of the Moon traveling to the house of Leo. 

As the moon continues her journey around the zodiac, visiting the homes of the gods in the sky, she makes her way to Leo. Her journey has been arduous, and she is full and tired. She makes her way up the steps to the biggest house in the neighborhood. It’s different than the ones next to it, not just in size, but in stature. It stands out and draws the eye with its floor-to-ceiling windows and two stone lions flanking the entryway. She knows the owner of this house well. He is the only other luminary, her counterpart at work, and he starts his daily shift when hers is ending.

She knocks on the door and is greeted by The Sun. He is energetic, charismatic, and larger than life. His golden hair sits on his shoulders, and his blue eyes smile, letting her know she is welcome. He ushers her into the foyer and tells her to leave her bags downstairs; he will have his butler bring them up for her later. He walks quickly and confidently up the grand staircase as he leads her to her room. The moon follows behind, taking in the art on the walls as they walk. She sees painted portraits of the Sun, framed in brushed gold, commissioned at different stages of his life. He notices her looking and happily stops to allow her time to gaze. He tells her about each one, clearly proud of the moment captured in paint. There are chandeliers in every room, golden sconces, and bright, colorful drapes framing the windows. Everything is larger than life and an overload to the senses.

Once in her room, the Moon closes the door behind her and sits in silent meditation. Breathing in and out, centering herself in this house full of vibrancy. Our introverted, watery moon is out of her element in the fiery house of the Sun, and she needs a minute to adjust.

At dinner later that night, she sits at the opposite end of the long table and has conversation with The Sun. The room is full of candles and she can feel the warmth radiating off the flames. They talk about their jobs, lighting the sky, and ask how each other are doing. Our quiet moon opens up in the company of the Sun and begins to share how her journey has been going, what has inspired her, and what she is most afraid of. The Sun listens carefully and tells her with full confidence that she is capable of anything she sets her mind to. The moon lights up at these words. The Sun believes in her and encourages her to do the things she fears and to show up in the world the way her intuition is telling her to. The moon lights up a little more. By the end of dinner, the two old friends have pulled their chairs next to each other and are in deep conversation, whispering late into the night. 

The moon goes back to her room as The Sun rises and falls into bed, feeling motivated, inspired, and excited to shine. This house is much different than the humble cottage she calls home, but she can't help but feel a bit brighter and capable in the company of The Sun.

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