Shelby Bundy Shelby Bundy
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Hello Tamed Wild Coven, 

Shelby here! Happy Summer Solstice and Litha blessings. I have returned from The Camino in Spain, a 400-mile walk in 29 days. The trip was a learning experience for my family and me, a practice in patience, planning, compromise, and going with the flow. Much like my spiritual practice and working with the wheel of the year, this pilgrimage was a reminder that everything has a season and a lesson. 

Here at Tamed Wild, we've been cycling into our next phase as a business. With the change from monthly to quarterly boxes, there have been growing pains, and we appreciate your patience with us as we learn, change, and grow. There is a death experience in every birthing process, so we intend to compost the old to make new and good soil. Your feedback and support means everything to us. 

The Summer Solstice is always a reminder to tend to the growing plants in preparation for harvest, a reflection on the seeds planted in spring, and a reminder to adventure in the forest, go barefoot, and play. I hope you can feel this buzzing energy too, wherever you are in the world, and I hope that you can take a minute to look up at the stars or say hello to a favorite tree you pass by each day. 

As always, we're so grateful to you, Tamed Wild Coven. Whether you're a box subscriber, a blog reader, a Magick & Alchemy or Witchy Business Podcast listener, or you follow along with our journey on social media, we're so glad you're here. 

To summer and all your magick...

Much love,


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