Kate Belew Kate Belew
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And the heat of summer…July is a month that hangs in the balance between the Sabbats of Litha and Lughnasadh.

We have passed the sun’s highest peak and the longest day of the year, but summer is not yet fleeting. We rest in its fullness.

The summer months are a time to head into nature. Nature knows all and we can feel her blossoming right now.

In July we can go to the rivers, lakes, and oceans to honor water magick in all its forms. We can gaze to the sun and say thank you for its lessons of power and strength. In the evenings we can search the horizons for fireflies, deer at the edges of the forest, and the fox.

Not yet a time of harvest, we can focus on our intentions. What seeds did we plant back at the equinox? How are we tending to these plants not yet fully grown? There is much magick to be made in the midst of summer. Go now, and follow your spark.

Festivals and Gatherings…

Traditions of Lughnasadha

In July we look back to the celebrations of Summer Solstice, while also looking ahead to the Sabbat Lughnasadh.

Lughnasadh is celebrated on August 1st and is the beginning of the harvest season. This Sabbat honors hard work and dedication, as well as the family and the community.

Lughnasadh is associated with the Celtic God and hero Lugh. Lugh is known for both order and truth.

This Sabbat marks the passing of the summer into autumn. While we’re not quite there yet, it’s a good reminder that August 1st will come soon enough, and so while we spend time in the heart of summer, what flames are we tending to? Lugh is a poet and a blacksmith. He welds both words and metal. Like Lugh, how can we forge our own way in the fire? What poems are we crafting? To what projects do we dedicate ourselves?

 Monthly Associations

The celebrated stone for the month is Carnelian

Carnelian is best known as a stone of motivation, creativity, and strength. Work with Carnelian to help overcome patterning or difficult obstacles. Carnelian can help you face what is difficult head-on with steadfastness. Carnelian is an orange-colored variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family.

On the Celtic Tree Calendar the month of June aligns with Oak and Holly

The Celtic tree calendar is divided by the thirteen moon cycles of the year. The modern tree calendar is based conceptually off the letters of the Celtic Ogham alphabet as they correspond to trees. There is very little evidence of the Celtic tree calendar being created by the early Celts; however, it is a point of contention among Celtic scholars. These symbols and themes tie in with Celtic culture and mythology, and are therefore symbolically beautiful ways to honor the different Sabbats.

From June 10-July 7 we honor the Oak Moon. Oak is a symbol of power and strength. The Oak King is the ruler of the summer months before handing over the reins to the Holly King. The Oak is a sacred tree of the druids and Oaks are known to be doors. Work with Oak for success and strength and to bring good fortune, and remember that the tiny acorn becomes the mighty, mighty Oak.

From July 8-August 4 we honor the Holly Moon. Holly is an evergreen and is related to immortality. Holly is related to masculine energy. Holly is also known for its protective prowess, which is why Holly is traditionally hung in hallways, above doors, and as a garland. Use Holly to bring fortune and good luck to your rituals.

The signs of Cancer and Leo rule July

Cancer is a deep well of emotion and tenderness. They are the natural nurturers of the Zodiac. Leo is a sign that shines as bright as the sun in August. Leo teaches us to connect with our inner Lion or Lioness. Now is the time to learn from the different parts of your chart with both Cancer and Leo placements during the month of July.

A Goddess to Work With During July is Yemaya or Yemoja  

Yemaya/Yemoja is an Orisha from the Yoruba tradition. Her name loosely translates to Mother of Fish Children and is representative of the Mother archetype and the mother of all things. She is a goddess of the river, streams, and the power of water, particularly associated with the Ogun River in Nigeria. She cleanses her devotees of sorrow and trouble and teaches them the magical properties of the water and the moon. She is a goddess of cycles. She is often depicted as a mermaid. During the month of July, ruled by the waters of Cancer, would be a potent time to connect with Yemaya and her story.

The Earth & Stars

The New Moon in July falls on July 9, 2021. 

The Full Moon in July falls on July 23, 2021.

For all moon musings and celestial insights visit magickandalchemy.com.

Monthly Intentions

During July we let summer hold us in its arms. We burn our fires looking ahead and behind on the wheel of the year. We hang suspended in balance for a brief magick moment. We go to the waters, we leave offerings to the goddess, we say thank you to the rivers, streams, oceans, and lakes. We honor our steadfastness. We lean against the vast trunks of Oak and the immortal boughs of Holly. We connect to our inner heat, our inner lioness, our inner nurturer, and we say thank you to the sun.

We celebrate July.  

Blessed be.

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Guide to the Wheel of the year // Modern Witchcraft

$ 16.99

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