The Wild Moon Deck
Wax and wane, shine and shadow, the lunar phases have been studied and embodied since the dawn of time. Oceanic tides rise and bow to the pull of the moon, as do the tides within each and every one of us. As we understand the moon and her phases, we work towards a deeper, clearer, fuller understanding of ourselves in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.
The Wild Moon Lunar Phase deck provides a detailed map to aid in navigating each lunar cycle with more presence, wisdom, and awareness, enabling us all to connect to the cosmic pull that steers us. Each of the 28 cards provide the energetic climate for the daily lunar vibration, as well as the historic relevance of the day, suggested rituals, natural tools, and empowering mantras for deeper connection. This carefully curated information is geared towards aligning us with our essence and our highest truths, revealing the ancient wells of forgotten knowledge within.
Each phase card in the deck is numbered, 1-28, allowing for a seamless flow in tracking the days from one lunar cycle to the next. Simply count from the last major moon phase, either the New Moon or Full Moon, and count either forwards or backwards, depending on which the current lunation is closest to. For example, if the current cycle is halfway between the New and Full Moon, go back to the beginning of the deck and start with the New Moon card (#1). Then, count a card for each of the days that have passed since the New Moon, stopping when you’ve reached the day you’re currently on. Alternately, you could begin with the Full Moon card (#15), locate the upcoming date on a calendar, and count backwards through the deck, until arriving at the card that represents your present calendar day.
This deck isn’t so much meant to be shuffled, but followed in consecutive order, creating a clear unfolding of each phase and how its energy influences our lives. Keeping a journal to record lunar workings can be a beautiful way of further strengthening our connection to nature’s ebbs and flows, as we begin to witness our powerful roles in our own lives, in society at large, and in relationship with every single living being on this earth…and beyond.
Through discovering the teachings and lore of old, a new perspective can cast illumination over the present, empowering us to dive deeper, rise higher, and begin to grow into our fullest potential. It’s so important to remember that, much like the moon, we too, experience our own cycles. The exhaustive ethos that we are always meant to be ‘on,’ meant to be pushing and producing and plowing ahead, directly works against all that the moon has to impart upon us. The waning times teach us rest, reflection, and regeneration. The waxing times recharge us, focus us, and naturally welcome productivity and creative fire. The more we embrace the cycles of the moon, the more we embrace, nurture, and support ourselves. Let these cards serve as reminders and guideposts to this space of wholeness, as we expand our propensity for unconditional love, compassion, creativity, and patience in the natural cycles of our lives.
Wild Moon Deck
$ 29.00
Walk through the month alongside the moon and her cycles with the Wild Moon Lunar Phase Deck. This deck consists of 28 cards, one for each day of the lunar cycle. Each card brings you guidance and insight into that… read more