Your horoscopes for the Winter Solstice of 2024 are here!
The Winter Solstice is the beginning of winter. From this threshold, the light is beckoned back, and the creative cocoon of winter holds us in stillness, turning inward. This moment on the Wheel of the Year in the northern hemisphere honors the the beginning of Capricorn season.
These horoscopes are intended for your rising sign, but read them through your sun or moon sign for additional wisdom. Click here to read your December Creativescopes by Kate Belew.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Capricorn, your season begins with the solstice. Your steadfastness knows how to endure, but give in to your inner tides, the peaks and valleys of your life this season. It is okay to turn inward, to rest. There is a cycle for all things. Every aspect of the terrain comes with a lesson, and your deep connection to the earth is a guiding force through this moment. Let yourself be held there.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Aquarius, with the solstice, a new chapter begins for you. Your fierce care for those around you is a driving force, let yourself feel and be inspired by this care. Set your intention for winter by the light of the winter candle, and then live your life as a supporting ritual.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Pisces, as the solstice arrives and a new year begins, spend some time writing out your intentions and dreams for the year. This way, you’ll be able to reflect on your aspirations and more deeply understand how your year and magic unfurl as the days go by. Reflection is a powerful tool, creative one. Words are spells! Know that magic is happening every day and your dreams are possible.
Aries & Aries Rising
Aries, you always know what to do. Your inner fire, spark, and glow are your eternal guide. This season, tend to that flame and allow yourself to rest and take breaks by the light of this candle. Heart and hearth are two words, closely connected. In both places, transformation is made possible. Rest is an essential spell.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Taurus, this season encourages you to reach out to others. To spend moments with those who light up your soul. In the northern hemisphere, these are the dark months, but in the dark, the light can be felt and appreciated more deeply. Spend time with people who feel like candles in the night, and follow your intuitive senses through this solstice season.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Gemini, with the solstice comes new ways of support. Consider when you feel the most nourished, nurtured, and able to do your work in the world. Then, dream up ways to fill your cup in these ways. Winter is a time of inner reflection, when you seek stillness what does your intuition share with you?
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Cancer, the Winter Solstice arrives asking you, “who are you really?” If there is a mask you’ve been waiting to let go of, or a new identity to celebrate or step into, now is the moment. Claim your authentic self. You naturally live and thrive in cycles, and the next tide is waiting for you. Step into those metaphorical waters, trusting that they’ll hold you through this threshold.
Leo & Leo Rising
Leo, the Winter Solstice is working its magic behind the scenes for you. If there is a dream, if there is a shadow, if there is an idea beckoning from your mind, spend some time in that magical subconscious space, the space of winter, of metaphorical death and rebirth, and see what you might discover. The moon waits to speak with you.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Virgo, the Winter Solstice sings a song of togetherness. Can you hear it? Let yourself be embraced by the group. Hold those close that you consider to be in your communities and networks. Reciprocity is a gift and in winter we have to help each other through the dark nights. Accept a hand, give a hand, and see what’s made possible when we do it together.
Libra & Libra Rising
Libra, your heart is calling out to you. It’s ready to make a change. You might have felt your path shifting for a while now, but you now have the power to turn inward, and galvanize your inner flame forward. Following your heart is one of the most true ways to travel and your heart knows where to go. As you step across the threshold of winter, the path appears under your feet.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Scorpio, the Winter Solstice arrives asking you to deepen your studies. Open a book, write a book, follow the words of those who came before you, and create a link in the chain of lineage for those after. Reading, writing, teaching, and studying are a beautiful part of being human. Rest in this cocoon of education this season, and see what rich lessons of the shadows and the dark you might learn.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Sagittarius, your adventurous heart knows that winter is an initiation. Descending into the dark and the shadows, you can dream the dream for your next season of life. What rituals or rites might you create in your life to honor this winter? By ritualizing the process, you honor the mundane miracles of everyday life and you learn to be more present in each season. This is a gift.
Happy Winter Solstice! Blessed be.
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