Elemental Magick
The elements themselves are magickal.
Earth, air, water, fire, and the more ethereal element of spirit, make up the world around us. Witches, magicians, and alchemists have long called on these elements in spells, rituals, altars, and to connect with the natural world. Learning more about each element individually and crafting a relationship with these energies can help build a foundation in magickal practice. Elements can be found at work in birth charts and astrology, crystals, candle magic, calling the quarters, herbalism, and more.
Working With the Element Air
Air magick is the energy of new beginnings. Associated with the east, air is the energy of thoughts and ideas. When writing, crafting poetry or sharing ideas, air energy is being invoked. If you’re building an altar or calling the quarters, you may want to include the imagery of a feather, a horizon, or add a knife or a writing utensil.
Study your birth chart and see where the element of Air falls in your chart (the signs Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra).
To honor the air, all you really need is to step outside, plant your feet firmly in the earth, cast your face up toward the sun, and take a deep breath in, thanking the air for breath, and for all it brings.
Working with the Element Fire
Fire magick is the energy of passion and desire. Associated with the south, fire is a driving force, a lit match, and a literal fire in your magickal practice. To work with fire magick, burn intentions, call on fire to support release during ritual, and select red crystals for your practice. If you’re building an elemental altar, light a red candle or add a red stone, and when calling the quarters, use fiery or passionate language, call in desire, and say thank you to our sacred blood.
Study your birth chart and see where the element of fire falls in your chart (the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius).
To honor the fire element, cultivate a fire safely, tend to it, and make it offerings, gaze into the flame and say thank you for its powerful heat and its ability to strike awe into our hearts.
Working with the Element Water
Water magick is the energy of deep emotion and dreams. Associated with the west and the setting sun, water is a horizon in itself. Water is a powerful element to call upon when cleansing or calling upon flow. Place a seashell on your altar or a small chalice or goblet of water, work with a blue candle, and connect to your psychic powers. We can ask the water to help take away what is not ours to leave us more authentically ourselves.
Study your birth chart and see where the element of water falls on the wheel (the signs Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio).
To honor the element of water, place some water under the full moon to charge it, or collect water during a thunderstorm. Speak kind words and blessings over water to imbue the water with these sweet gestures of emotion.
Working with the Element Earth
Earth magick is the energy of being grounded and of Mother Earth herself. Associated with the north, earth guides us safely home. Call on the element of earth in your magickal practice if you’re feeling lost or scattered. The earth holds the bones of our ancestors and always knows the best solution. Earth supports each step we take. Place a favorite crystal or a stone from a river on your altar, bring in a bit of earth to work within a spell jar, work with herbs as offerings to burn in your home.
Study your birth chart and see where the element of earth falls on the wheel (the signs Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo).
To honor the element of earth, say hello to moss outside, stop and greet your favorite tree, lay down in the park with your belly facing downward and feel how held you are by earth magick.
Working with the Element Spirit
Spirit magick is the fifth element. Working with spirit is working with the mysteries of the world, and the forces that we cannot see. Spirit magick is the magick of the cosmos, the underworld, celestial beings, and the liminal. It is the energy and the magick that resides within our very soul connecting us to all that is, has been, and ever will be.
Blessed be.
Elemental Kit
$ 6.00
This elemental kit includes an item for all four elements and a small bag for the items, making it a wonderful addition to one's on-the-go ritual tools. Keep the items close for quick spells, or gift to a friend interested… read more