Myth & Astrology: Storytelling your Birth Chart
Astrology can be confusing. All those lines, pie slices, and symbols in your chart can be intimidating and discouraging when learning to interpret them. This course breaks down the pieces of your birth chart into understandable and relatable stories.
This 4-day course is designed to help you interpret your birth chart by learning the mythologies that influence the zodiac and its energies. Using visuals, storytelling, and our imaginations, the planets in your chart become "people" with personalities and unique energies. By the end of the week, you will be able to better understand your cosmic blueprint and the mythical gods and goddesses at play within it.
Course Syllabus:
Day 1: The Planets as Gods & Goddesses
Day 2: The Signs, Symbols, and Mythologies of the Zodiac
Day 3: The Houses and the Gods Who Built Them
Day 4: Your Chart: The Gods as Tenants
This course is presented via Zoom; each session is 90 minutes long.
Course Materials: PDF Workbook Provided
Cost: $250
Upcoming Session: April 30, May 1, 7, 8, @ 12 pm EST
This course is led by Tamed Wild Creatrix Shelby Bundy of @themoonincarolina. Shelbys astrology studies include courses at The Astrology University, Horoscope Writing & the Art of Chart Interpretation with Rebecca Gordon and Archetypal Astrology at Pacifica University. Shelby earned an Advanced Training Certificate in Applied Mythology at Pacifica University and a Bachelor of Anthropology at SNHU.