Agate Rough Stone Shards

Regular price$ 9.00

Agates are grounding stones, bringing about an emotional physical and intellectual balance. They aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy. Agate has the power to harmonize yin and yang, the positive and the negative forces that hold the universe in place. A soothing and calming stone, agate works slowly but brings great strength. Its multiple layers can bring hidden information to light.

Healing Properties

Agate comes in many colors and variations, each with their own specialties. As a whole, this stone group is known to be calming & relaxing to the body. It is said to be a great balancing stone and is popular for use in relieving stress & toning down anxious energy. Carry Agate on your travels as it can be a powerful protection stone. 

Care and Cleaning

Cleanse in a steam bath 2-3 times per week and charge in the sunlight for 15 minutes. 


(General associations, will vary by type)

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Herbs & Plants: Fern, Star Anise, Yarrow, Vervain

Element & Planet: Earth, Moon, Mercury

Chakra: Throat, Crown, Base

History, Ritual, and Love

In ancient times Agate was revered as an Amulet or Talisman. In the 1800's wearers of an Eye Agate were believed to be protected from the Evil Eye by taking on the watchfulness of their guardians. it is said magicians could use Agate to divert a storm. Pliny the Elder believed this stone made a person agreeable and gave them the favor of god. 

Agate Rough Stone Shards

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