Beltane Past Life Regression
This group session is hosted via Zoom and will last 90 minutes. There will be a recorded playback for those who cannot make the live event. Instructions on how to prepare will be sent out prior to the event.
Thursday May 1st, 7 pm EST via Zoom
🌙 Witches, let us gather on Beltane, joining in community and exploring our past lives.
Past Life Regression (PLR) is a guided journey into your subconscious memories, bringing forth another lifetime of your souls journey. While in a deeply relaxed state, our conscious mind is able to step aside and allow our subconscious to take the helm. The subconscious mind is where the records of all the souls journeys are stored, and its simply a matter of accessing them.
Using hypnosis techniques, guided imagery & gradual relaxation methods, we are able to create an environment conducive to these memories coming forward.
This method of inner work provides us with access to our past selves, higher selves, guides, and subconscious minds. It is within this state that we can tap into memories, images, feelings, and events that have shaped our soul into who we are in our current incarnation. This work can be beneficial for those who are looking to understand any of life's current struggles, personal characteristics or tendencies, and synchronicities that are present in this existence.
This session is led by Tamed Wild Creatrix Shelby Bundy of @themoonincarolina. This course is led by Tamed Wild Creatrix Shelby Bundy of @themoonincarolina. Shelby is a Certified Jungian Life Coach through Creative Mind Method and Past Life Regressionist. Her astrology studies include courses at The Astrology University, Horoscope Writing & the Art of Chart Interpretation with Rebecca Gordon and Archetypal Astrology at Pacifica University. Shelby earned an Advanced Training Certificate in Applied Mythology at Pacifica University and a Bachelor of Anthropology at SNHU. She is currently in a Masters program for Ancient Religions at the University of Wales.